Friday 23 November 2012

A Studying Mother.


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalamin for a beautiful Friday.

The Boys (Walid and Mashary's Uncles) left for a day trip to Port Said after brunch leaving Mashary and Ummi with Ummujiddah Khyriyah at home. We pray that you guys have a safe trip and come back with lots of seafood!!! heheh..

Alhamdulillah for it has been a week since our family got reunited in Mansoura and this also means Ummi gets back to focusing on studies and exams.

only 7 days more to the Paediatrics written exam and I'm feeling quite nervous.However I will do my best to face the paper,smiling hopefully!!!.

It's true that the new academic year has not yet begun but I am already starting to feel very grateful that Mashary came to light up our lives while we arestill studying..

I've been inspired by so many amazing mothers who are great at work but also successful in being a mother!

I wish to be one of them insyaALLAH.

I am very happy that I get to spend a whole lot of time with my little darling while trying my best to finish reading up a topic or so.Since babies need a lot of attention, I am satisfied and thankful with the time given to me to be a mother to my son, that is to feed him, to bathe him, to talk to him, to play with him, to teach him, and to comfort him and put him to bed.

Of course, I also need some time to study but I think that being a mother before having to work gives us both more time to spend with each other, and this is verrryyy important not only to culture a healthy relationship but also in nurturing the baby's needs, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The day will come when the time spent with my Little Mashary becomes less,
I really can't imagine that,
but I know I have to learn to put my trust in ALLAH,
and pray that He Educates Mashary by Sending 'His Angels' in the form of nursery caretakers,
school teachers, bus drivers, and many other important roles that Mashary will get to know in the future.

However, as for now, I will continue to give my 200% into making this boy the luckiest one, insyaALLAH.

May the milk, the hugs, the kisses, the songs we sing together, the talks we have that you enjoy so much, and the fun lessons we have make you a more confident person when you grow up.
And may some weakness of Ummi and Walid, make you a person of patience,
May you grow strong,inside and out, my love.
May The Creator Protect you always.

Ameen, Ya Rahmaan, Ya Raheem.

Thursday 8 November 2012

PD Vacay with Baby on board..

Bismillah Walhamdulillah
This time Jiddi and Jiddah took both, Ummi and Mashary to Port Dickson!
At first we were planning to go a bit further, but we opted to go to PD in the end. :)
The short vacation over the weekend was fun and in a a way, relaxing!
Here are some shots of Mashary's first trip to PD..(with loved ones!)

So, after checking in, Mashary decided to rest a bit then gave Ummi some amazing poses!

then while Ummi was praying, Mashary decided to give Jiddah this perfect shot!

Yes that's a roar!!!
and Yes that's the sea...!!

Unfortunately it rained cats and dogs, so no beach time for the day..
However the sun came up bright and shiny the next morning so we were off to the beach!!!

Khali Adam admiring the waves, this little 'baby' asked me if the waves were big enough for surfing..hehe
Jiddi and Cucu time.

the bodyguard of our trip!

smily faces, Jiddi checking over Mashary making sure he's smiling..hahaha

ALHAMDULILLAH we really enjoyed the short but breathtaking vacation, thanks to Jiddah for taking such good care of Mashary that Ummi could even sleep in..huah!

Thanks Jiddi and Jiddah for sponsoring this wonderful trip.
Thanks Khali Adam for being a superb bodyguard!!

Thanks Allah for Family, and the Sun,the Rain and the Sea.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

off-limits ?


Alhamdulillah, our little one has just fallen asleep, this time Ummi had to cuddle him to make him feel secure since Jiddah is not home.
I think he can definitely feel her absence that he had quite a tough time trying to sleep. 
May you have sweet sweet dreams, my Love.

Today, this post goes to my babies.

It is about having and understanding boundaries in life.
It is about being okay not to get what you want.
And it is crucially important to be okay.
and not to dwell or be frustrated.

and so my lecture begins,
Life, my dear is a very adventurous journey, where sometimes you have needs to be fulfilled.
However, some needs are just off-limits. 
Limits due to our religion, morality, financial support and others.

Examples are
you really want to go to that concert of your favourite band but you just can't.
you really want to get that yummy bite of McD's fries or cheese burger but you can't.
you really want to dress in Kate Middleton's dresses but of course you can't.
you really want to participate in a tournament that is on the same day of your  SPM seminar,and you can't.

It's also important to know that when you know what you want or you plan to do is off-limits, 
you'd better forget about it. it sounds simple,
 but really it is simple!

You just have to be strong enough to say NO to yourself. 
ok, this takes up a lot of strength,physicaly and mentally!! 
but that's why Ummi will always ask ALLAH to Grant you strength.
and the days will pass, and trust me, you will never feel remorse.
the days will pass and you will have missed the meal, or the concert, or buying something too expensive, and you will have forgotten about them. 
and you will be A-okay!

These temptations come quite often though.
So hold on tight to your faith and you'll make it thru,
you might make a mistake or two, that's okay,
as long as you learn the lesson of,

You cannot always get what you want.

Let's just focus on getting what we want in the hereafter, 'cause of course everything we have now is only temporary, 
everything will go away.surely.

So build your castle in the hereafter, wait, hold on now to get whatever you want later,eternally ! insyaALLAH.