Saturday 27 October 2012

Medicine vs. All-time favourite


I am writing this post solely to remind myself of why I decided to pursue Medicine.
Just so that I hold on tight to this path,
despite any challenges, surprises, along its way..

The story began almost 5 years ago when I got my SPM Results.
and it did not allow me to pursue medicine here in Malaysia. Therefore, my hopes to become a doctor were almost shattered. I got an offer to do engineering instead. I was confused at that point as I believe that nothing is a coincident. Therefore there must be a reason to why engineering was offered to me. I got really confused on what I should do. 

And then, I came across the advertisement in the newspaper, and apparently, my results suit the qualifications required in Mansoura University, Egypt. After performing the magical Solat Istikharah, I remember only performing it once, after Isyaa.and I already got my answer. No. Not in my dreams. To me, my answers came with a sense of peace and calmness, it was as if I have found my path. and I don't feel worried or sad or curious about the choice, it was as if, I submitted and was ready to face it and journey thru it. Calm and confident. SubhanALLAH.

A lil reminder of how I used to hate the idea of becoming a doctor, beacuse of the workload, and the limited time I'll have to spend to do other fun things. It's as if I'm going to have to work hard throughout my life. Life is short, why not enjoy it??

Then comes another reason to why I decided to journey this path is because I went thru a course, ESQ Leadership Training in particular. and Alhamdulillah I had the opportunity to restate my mission, and that is to return safely to ALLAH SWT with a Sound Heart. sobs. InsyaALLAH.

And I also realised that I'll have to buy myself a ticket to enter Jannah, and in what way may I achieve that?

Then, I realised that I have to really work hard. like to really spend my time to only do the Ibaadaat as submission to ALLAH.One good deed can easily buy you a ticket to Jannah. However, as humans, we have no idea which good deed will ALLAH make a reason to buy that Golden Ticket.

I chose to do Medicine so that I could work hard. because only by working hard can I multiply my good deeds hoping! that ALLAH will count them as  sincere acts and save me from the hellfire. Naudzubillah. :(

So, a note to myself, whenever you think that Medicine or anything else is 'killing' you. Know that ALLAH is watching every action you do. and as long as you're sincere, it's a form of ibaadah. and never forget the Jannah, as that is the only place where you will get to rest,and be happy of course, Eternally.

So please, work hard, be sincere, face every challenge with leaps of faith..
Buying a ticket isnt that easy. so do your best to impress!

I really hope I can. 
ameen, Ya Samee'.

when you feel tired and torn, just close your eyes and imagine the Jannah.your tears, sweat will be paid off one day. more than worth it!

you might even experience 'syurga sebelum Syurga' if ALLAH Wills it.

My all-time favourite :)

Wednesday 24 October 2012

How much I love youuuuu.

Bismillah Walhamdulillah,

Mashary has his tummy full and is sleeping like a baby..It's funny how whenever he's asleep, I feel like I miss him so much that I wanna wake him lil son, may ALLAH Bless you always.

It's been almost a week since Hubby left to commence his studies starting with the Ophthalmology Posting. Hope he's enjoying it!

Of course, ALLAH Has Bestowed upon Mashary and I, Great blessings that we are still able to 'survive' during this separation, so far, ALHAMDULILLAH..
we still miss him dearly..

Not to forget our first anniversary celebrated very simply, with a cake and something really special, our first baby. I will still try to get you a gift anyways, despite knowing that love only is sufficient to make him smile..

Aiman, My Hubby, has been surprising me in so many different ways since our marriage. Not to mention there were also bad surprises (haha) but they were too few to compare to the super good ones.

After marriage I started to see so so sooo many things fall into place.
I remember the thoughts I had at different occasions saying, "oh, no wonder I'm married to him".

At times when I lose my temper, my sanity and when he hugs me tight and reminds me of God.
At times when I get sick and he's okay with a simple cereal and milk (or even biscuits and milo) for breakfast.
At times when I get too excited to cook him something special but turns out to be pretty bad, but he still has his grateful face on.
At times when I forget, and he never ever gets angry.

Those times when he tries his best to understand my crazy hormones,
when even I don't understand them myself.
Those times he suggests something really unexpected when I'm really tired.
Those times when he buys all my favourite food whenever he's away.
Those times when he stays firm on his idea to eliminate my false beliefs, and childish thinking.
Those times he remained calm when the plane was shaking thru the storms.
Those times he compromises, and respects so many opposing ideas.

and recently,
when he wakes up in the middle of the night for Mashary's burping sessions,
bathing and cleaning Mashary every morning,
changing Mashary's gooeeyest nappies right on time,
and singing Mashary's favourite lullaby (the Quran) while putting him to bed.

The list just goes on and on,
Thanks for always being my Hero,
Thanks for being the Best Walid in the world. (I'm sure Mashary will realise this while he is growing up!)

for I have not seen a better son to his parents, a better husband to his wife, and a better father to his son.

May ALLAH Bless our family with His Boundless Rahmaat,
and may we then be amongst those who fulfills the task of Rahmatan Lil 'aalameen.

Friday 5 October 2012

Our first bundle of joy..

Bismillah Walhamdulillah !!

I have just finished feeding Muhammad Mashary Zidane!! yet another achievement to make him full and sound asleep, for only ALLAH is the Provider for all his needs, our needs..

The birth of this little khalifa brought joy to us all, Alhamdulillah. It was an easy and fast delivery..

on September the 2nd, 2012
2 a.m
I felt the unbearable pangs of contractions..however when I tried to time them, they were not regular, hence not an alarming sign of labour..However the pain was not reduced by lying down, I couldn't go to sleep. I remember my hubby telling me to go to snooze off and the pain would go away, as usual. But this time it wasn't going away!

Knocked on Mama's door to tell her bout the pain, however she told me I wasn't in labor cause the contractions were not regular.So I decided to go to the washroom and get ready for bed.but by then I was already bleeding.fresh blood. Mama timed my contractions and they started to become regular..1 every 5 minutes!

Getting ready for the hospital. Alhamdulillah the baby's equipments were all ready and packed. The contraction pain was still bearable at this point. Papa had diarhea so only mama accompanied us to the hospital

5.30 am
Admitted to the labour room. The Midwife tried to measure the cervical opening but she couldn\t do it because there was fresh blood.She was concerned that my history of placenta praevia was still...praevia!!
Then she called the Dr and the Dr ordered to check it anyways. So up to this point the opening was 2cm.

6.45 am
Dr Ani came and burst up my water wasn\t really that painful..but it was scary..then the contractions started to become a liiiitle unbearable..Dr Ani had to give me pitocin..the name of drug that i would never forget to augment my contractions..and they became..MONSTROUS!!! After some discussion, I decided to take the miracle drug called the epidural..and Alhamdulillah, the pain decreased... :)

8.00 am
The midwife did another check up and I was already open by 8cm..

9.30 am
Our Little Caliph was born, with a slight cry, but then with eyes wandering around.ever so curious to his new surroundings.

Assalamualaika Ya Muhammad Mashary Zidane !!!
Ahlan wasahlan wa Marhaban Bik!

We welcome you with Tahmeed to the One who created you,
and may we become the parents who are the best in comforting you,

and may we become the best in introducing you to the One who Loves you the most,


and may we be the best examples to familiarize you to the Nobleness of,