Monday 28 April 2014

Ummi's Graduation Day

It's funny how the last post was about me getting geared up for the finals and this post is already bout me graduating. SubhanALLAH so many things took place during the study weeks of the final of the finals exams. And I'm so so glad that everything is over!

I'm currently sitting in my house back in Subang Alam, writing this post on m
y old laptop, the one that accompanied me to Egypt when I first flew off for my first year of medical studies. Now after approximately 6 years and a half, an engagement,a marriage, and a baby, I'm finally back, well not exactly to my hometown, but to my country to continue to journey thru the surprises that are in stored for me. :)

6 years and a half in Mansoura Egypt has really taught me a lot, stuff I can't mention one by one, Mansoura has witnessed my struggle as a medical student, a newbie in cooking, a girl learning to accept many differences and celebrate many similarities with her housemates, coming from I would say all over Malaysia!, a girl learning to accept love, learning to share in her marriage, and then giving, pouring  as much love possible to her son. All these, and trying to pass every paper in time.

The committee members of the graduation day had organized a few rehearsal sessions so that the graduation day would be grand and flawless. At first, attending them was just like attending any other session. However, on the first day, I had already cried. So many things, memories just came into my mind while we rehearsed the march of the graduates entering the hall. It was just so surreal. I just could not believe that I was already at the end of it all. All the hard work, the success, the failure, the glorious moments, the ever so painful moments, they just flashed into my mind while I take the steps to the stage. And on the stage is another different story, because our results were not yet announced, I felt so tiny and humble when they announced us as the graduates of 2014! Another part of me continued to cry of joy because I was imagining both my parents being so happy and relieved that I have finally graduated. That every drop of their sweat has paid off.

The 2nd day of the rehearsal was more complete. We managed to rehearse the oath, the national songs and the dua. Okay The Oath is scary and I'm in no mood to talk about it now. haha. Most of the time I kept silent because I felt like it was too heavy for me to carry. :(

Then we had the Quran Recitation and the Dua. This part was verryyyyyyyy emotional.
Some verses from Suratul Fath were recited and at that time, I was "on my knees" feeling so grateful that HE Has Opened so many doors of knowledge, that He Comforted me thru all the struggles, He Made me understand the foreign language my tongue had trouble with the first few years, He was There with me all along, He Held my hand, my heart, my soul. He was the strength in me when my faith faded, He Showed me goodness in everything that's bad. Becoming a wife, having a baby, gosh I never really juggled anything! It was always, if I took care of one thing, He Is Definitely taking care of the other. Obviously He Was even taking care of me! I really couldn't have survived the past years without His Blessings. SubhanALLAH!

The Dua then shifted me to another realm. It was when I came to think of my Husband. How I wish he could be here too, happily graduating too.I was sad because I did not want him to feel inferior to me. I know that he is always happy for me. He has been sacrificing a lot a lot for me that no one could ever imagine. I can never thank him enough that I put him through so many challenging moments, that he would happily become my punching bag, some unnesesary times. If you're reading this, I just want you to know that, you are the reason why I am here today. and it is your success too :) and at that moment I prayed so hard that ALLAH Would Make these last few years easy for you!

Wow so I was tearing up so much that I needed a tissue at the end of just the Quran and Dua session.
Somehow I'm glad that I cried a lot during the rehearsals that I would not be crying during the actual day. Well I was wrong. But I managed to control it, and needed no tissues..hahaha

That day I stood on stage watching my parents from afar, it was just undescribable. Honestly I could be on my knees again but that wouldn't be appropriate, so I held the tears back in but my emotions ran high. These two people in my life have been my source of support, never in a second trying to back out, they were and are still really the most responsible parents ever! Mama would update or ask about me practically everyday! like really everyday! and Papa, I know he misses me a lot while I'm in Egypt coz sometimes he would call me out of the blue just to ask how I'm doing. I'm just grateful that ALLAH Has Given them the strength and health to travel this far to witness my graduation and I sure hope I made them proud.

My heartfelt gratitude reaches far to my teachers, formal or informal since preschool till now.
I am so blessed to have such amazing teachers whom at most times are not only concerned of me academically but also my social and spiritual well being. I am just the luckiest person in the world to have become your student. I may not be able to mention names here as there are so many of you, but do know that you are always in my prayers,always.

Also I am grateful to have sent invisible Duas from my family members, my relatives and friends those time I was sick, sad, or nervous. This success is made of all those sincere invisible prayers you had all asked ALLAH to Bless upon me.
 Thank you a million times.

Last but not least, it would be silly not to mention my dearest sisters who has been with me all along. My family in Egypt, you know who you are.
like a dear friend said, "Saya berjumpa dengan kawan dunia akhirat saya di sini."
that is how I really felt too.

So this video, tells a lil bout my graduation day.
I hope to be posting post-graduation posts after this.
Also the ever so memorable Spain Getaway Post !

1 comment:

  1. Tasnim,

    Congratulations on your graduation :) Skrg take over clinics papa ke?
